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Does hard work always ensure success?

Writer: sudeshnasudeshna

The one reason why your hard work is not seeing results

“Work hard without worrying about the results,” they told us. It’s one of the worst pieces of advice out there. I'll tell you why in a second.

But if you prefer listening to the podcast instead of reading, here it is.

Do you need to work hard to be successful? Hard work is the key to success.

I call BS!

And if you want to see my face while doing that, here’s this on YouTube.

Still with me? Good! I am so much funnier when I write! ;)

Going back to hardwork and success, let's think about that for a second. Are all hard working people successful? Does hard work automatically mean that you will attain a certain level of success in your life?

Probably not! Because we know quite a lot of people who work hours after hours after hours with nothing to show for it.

This is what I'm talking about. This concept of hard work leads to success is completely broken.

But first let’s take a look at the history of this concept of working hard. It meant long hours and physical labour. Pre-industrial revolution, if you were making a living from agriculture, working hard was essential. You had to plough the land, sow seeds, water, nurture, harvest and sell. And you were working against time because you had to consider day and night, and the changing seasons.

The industrial revolution came, and though the hard work on the field got less “hard”, the work in the factories still relied on physical labour. The faster and longer you worked, the “better” you would be as an employee. But how much is too much? How long is too long?

I remember this particular scene from Modern Times as I type this.

It’s hilarious but at the same time, if you take a step back and look at it, you realise that Industrial 4.0 has created similar versions of professionals.

None of us, and that includes you if you landed on this page, work like how people used to in the Industrial Revolution age. Our managers, clients, and stakeholders don’t care about the time you spend on something, they care about the impact and shareholder value that you created during that time. (And if you are silently nodding your head and saying, “You won’t believe my manager!” my friend, it’s time to fire that manager. More on that here.)

The concept of working hard, and you need to work hard to become successful, is completely outdated and broken.

You don't need me to tell you that there are hundreds of people out there, if not 1000s, and millions, who work really, really hard, but have nothing to show for it.

Are you telling me that they are not working hard enough? That's not true! That can't be true!

What is the measurement of working hard? How hard will you have to work before becoming successful?

So if that concept doesn't work, what does?

It is about how impactful our role is in the world, how valuable our role is in the world. And if you can wrap your head around that tiny concept, that will open up abundance for you without a shadow of a doubt. I go into more depth on this within the first module of the Abundance Psyche principles.

Here's the gist of it- if you can prove your value to the world if you are valuable to the world. Success automatically follows because the value is what money is about.

Money is not just a banknote that your central bank has given as a promise to you saying that they will pay you $10. No, it's not that. It is a reflection of the value that you have created in this world. The $10 bill is just a symbol of that. This is not woo woo stuff, this is Economics 101… well, may not be 101 but having written on this extensively in my Economics Masters’ thesis, I realised a few things about money and that it’s so much deeper than the face value of a banknote or the nominal value of what you have in your bank. But more on that some other time.

Getting back to our original discussion, the more value you create in the world, the more valuable you'll be, and the more successful you will be.

Of course, there are ways to measure success. There are ways you can figure out how you can be more valuable. We can't cover all of that in a blog but if you are interested, get onto my newsletter and you'll get some of my best materials that touch upon all of this stuff for free, right in your inbox.



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